Ensure Patients’ Safety with Automated Testing for Dosage Calculation App

The client – a global medical company – wanted to simplify the testing process for its drug dosage calculation app.

Dosage Calculation App

About the client

QA and Testing

This article describes a real-life project. However, we cannot disclose our client’s name for privacy purposes.

The client is a prominent global medical company boasting an impressive 45 years of experience revolutionizing medical technology. Their drug dosage calculation web application is a convenient and easy-to-use tool that aids patients in receiving accurate medication dosages.

However, the client’s current manual testing process for the application posed challenges to time, effort, and efficiency. It was highly labor-intensive, demanding significant time and effort from the dedicated testing team. The human element also introduced the possibility of errors and inconsistencies, posing potential risks to patient safety. Moreover, as the app is updated, each and every test case has to be redone to ensure accuracy, taking away even more time and resources that can go into improving other aspects of the app.

Recognizing the need for a transformative solution, the client looked to Rikkeisoft to renew their testing process.

Project Overview




Selenium, Appium, TestNG, Java, CircleCI, Sauce Labs


United States


6 months


Complex calculation formula

The math behind the dosage calculation is complex, making it highly prone to errors and hard to verify the results if testing were done by humans. This is further complicated by the fact that over 700 cases need to be tested with each update. As accuracy is critical to patients’ well-being in healthcare, the trivial task became a gargantuan undertaking for the QA team.

Cross-platform web application

As the client wanted the tool to be as accessible as possible to people in need, their web application was developed to work on many different platforms and operating systems. Due to this, the testing process has to be able to connect to these platforms and ensure that the results shown on each one are correct.


Selenium and Appium-based Automated Testing Web Application

The development team, consisting of experienced software engineers and quality assurance experts, analyzed the existing manual testing process and developed the web app solution. By utilizing Selenium and Appium, the testing application works on every popular web browser on desktop and mobile operating systems, allowing for testing on all platforms of the client’s application.

CI/CD Testing Approach

Using automation scripts developed in the TestNG framework, Rikkeisoft’s development team applied the continuous integration/continuous delivery method to the testing process, hosting it on the CircleCI platform.

This allows any changes and updates in the client’s application to be immediately tested and deployed to live versions of the application, significantly reducing testing time while ensuring utmost accuracy and reliability. Tests were also exported as reports and kept in the Jama test management tool, ready for future auditing per healthcare application regulations and requirements.

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The results of implementing the automated testing solution were remarkable. The once time-consuming and labor-intensive testing process was now completed in a fraction of the time, freeing up valuable resources for other critical tasks. The automated tests ensured consistent and reliable calculations, eliminating the possibility of human errors while reducing the overall cost of testing. Backed by automated testing, the client can release their application and its updates with utmost confidence.

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