Leverage Financial Analytics Website for Global Expansion

Scaling up globally, a financial analytics company has decided to replace their outdated website with a premium online presence.
Finance Analysis

About the Client

Web Development
News & Media

This article describes a real-life project. However, we can not disclose our client’s name & the project details for privacy purposes.

The client’s primary business is to help European & US stock traders make informed investment decisions with a comprehensive news platform. 

Their original website provides a free outlook on well-known bank stocks & trading tips.

Project Overview


Finance, News & Media


Ruby on Rails, Postgre SQL, Redis, AWS




Jan 2019 - Sep 2019


Until 2019, their website has become the most prominent investment website in Netherland & Belgium. But, like any other aspirational business, it’s time for them to conquer new markets. In our client’s case, they want to expand into the European & the US market.

The quest to enter new markets

Entering a new competitive market requires meticulous preparation. For a publishing firm like our client, the website is the “breadwinner”. Therefore, all management board members have agreed to improve their website to fulfill their expansion dream. 

Slow website that is not well-structured

Rikkeisoft’s mission is to convert its old website into an advanced multi-domain publishing platform. The previous website was written in PHP without any framework, making it difficult for any developers to work with. Also, its user-experience was not optimized.  Moreover, as the company aims to generate revenue via premium membership subscriptions, we need to develop a high-power section for their premium users. 
Financial Analytics Website


A new website based on a more suitable programming language

Due to the current website’s lack of framework, we suggested our client create a new platform from scratch. Instead of PHP, this time we choose Ruby on rails to be the main programming language, which matches all of the websites’ needs & enables faster delivery. 

Multi-domain web pages with two distinct data layers

Our tech team has created 5 websites localized for 5 countries. Each website contains a free and a premium section for both free & membership users. These two sections share the same features but have different levels of data extension. Apparently, paid users can get access to more valuable data.  Let’s take a look at some highlight features of the new web:
  • Homepage shows the lates brief infomation on all sectors of the financial market, from news, interviews to stock information. 
  • The stock page displays the most recent stock fluctuations in both figures and graphs. Users can filter stocks based on numerous criteria such as PE, ROE, Solvency, Country…
  • The report page shows any specific public company’s portfolio, including its yearly incomes, outcomes and returns
  • A registration page: for users who want to buy premium subscriptions
  • Paid users’ information page: displays news & data exclusively for premium members
  • Online payment integration: integrate websites with PayPal & Robobank
  • Admin portal: a comprehensive admin dashboard to manage users data & website resources efficiently. 
faster server response time
0 %
new members after 1 month deployment
0 %


The new websites attracted +30% more users only in 1 month after its first lauch. Many loyal visitors have also left positive feedback about the websites’ speed & their overall user-experience. 

After 3 years, the company’s best localized site has reached 80K traffic/ month. 

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