Textile company creates a false-proof security system for workers with AI & IoT

While employee safety remains among the top concerns of manufacturing businesses, a textile company knows that technology is the way out.

About Client

AI & IoT

This article describes a real-life project. However, we can not disclose our client’s name for privacy purposes.

Project Overview


An enterprise-level textile company




AI Machine Learning, IoT


Feb 2019 - Oct 2019


Manufacturing companies often need to deal with working accidents

The manufacturing environment can be highly hazardous. Employees often need to work with powerful machines & huge transportation trucks while exposed to harmful chemicals & explosive materials. 

Working accidents can be significant troubles for manufacturing companies. They may need to deal with fines, reputational damage or even legal issues. 

For this reason, our client has tried hard to create a safer workplace. From safety procedures to regular inspections, plenty of practices have been done. But unfortunately, human proficiency tends to reduce when they are tired or distracted. Thus, most methods relying on employees’ self-discipline & human surveillance are often costly, time-consuming & ineffective

AI can enable a safer workplace

As leading manufacturers, airports, and travel sites have successfully applied AI-powered cameras to enhance on-site working efficiency, the company has decided to build one to monitor all production processes & employees with Rikkeisoft.

Implementation requirements: Privacy & integrity

The surveillance system needs to follow their factory working conditions. Furthermore, since data is an essential property of an enterprise, our developers need to ensure seamless data synchronisation between cameras & alarm systems, which meets their transparency & privacy requirements. 


Our team has established a fully-automated inspection system using autonomous drone technology and AI video surveillance. 

Use AI & drone cameras to detect threats

While drones can cover large areas in the factory, AI surveillance can detect & report any abnormalities in seconds. As a result, we created a highly proactive & accurate threat detection system, free from human errors.

Alarms to warn workers & record violation evidence

The cameras are connected to an alarm system using IoT connectivity. There are different types of alarms: fire alarms, early warnings & instant warnings. The system can automatically warn when an object enters restricted areas, and then, evidence is recorded & sent to managers. 

Therefore, the automated system ensures workers do not enter hazardous areas and promotes workplace safety. Plus, it’s also a helpful way to prevent the loss of goods & materials. 

security cases detected in 1 month


One month after implementation, the system successfully spotted over 50 suspicious cases of security violations.

From the management perspective, it has actively helped manufacturers prevent labour accidents and reduce inspection costs & human efforts. 

From the employees’ perspective, an enhanced security system makes them feel safer when working in dangerous areas. Also, its ability to spot violations days & nights has reminded them to follow the safety standards, workflow & other regulations more strictly. 

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