August 8, 2024

Progressive Web App: Benefits & Pricing Factors

PWAs, or Progressive Web Apps, are web pages with app-like functionality that are revolutionizing how users interact with the internet. They offer various opportunities to increase visitor engagement. Moreover, they are quick and simple to deploy. Initially, people thought that Progressive Web App development is excessively costly due to its technical complexity. 

However, it is not right as start-ups are quickly adopting or migrating to PWAs. It demonstrates that the Progressive Web Apps development cost is reasonable enough for start-ups to afford it.

We’ll discuss the typical price of developing a Progressive Web App in this article and all the factors that may affect the project’s cost. We’ll also offer some practical advice on how to reduce the cost.

PWA Pricing Factors Thumbnail

A Brief Introduction To Progressive Web Apps

PWAs are web applications created using a variety of particular technologies and established patterns that enable them to utilize both web and native app functionalities. Since webs are easier to find than native apps; visiting a website is much quicker and easier than downloading an app. Besides, you can also share the web by sending a link. Thus, PWAs make it easier for mobile users to discover & experience your online channel. The web app’s primary objectives include improving user conversion, security, simplicity, and usability on mobile devices.

With APIs, PWAs constitute a new philosophy for creating online applications. A web app may qualify for a PWA if it satisfies particular criteria or implements a specific set of features, such as the ability to send push notifications, work offline, and be installable.

Numerous entrepreneurs and corporations around the world are becoming more interested in Progressive Web Apps. Google first introduced PWA in 2015, and within two years, the websites of numerous big tech companies are also available as PWAs. It’s easy to understand why if you know about the benefits of Progressive Web Apps.

PWA Introduction

1. Better performance

Compared to traditional websites, PWAs have quicker load times. PWAs are simple to install, which enables users to access them from the home screen just like any other app. Even with a poor internet connection, PWAs load and operate more quickly. Consequently, you do not need to frequently reload the page. Few users wait the 10–20 seconds required for the page to load.

2. Security

Because HTTPS bans content modification, PWAs rely on it to protect data and reduce the likelihood of security problems. Hence, the security of your information is not a concern.

3. Offline functionality

Because PWAs can run offline or in unreliable networks, they are far more practical than web pages. Users can view Progressive Web Apps without an internet connection thanks to built-in service workers, which automatically store the web apps’ essential features and data.

4. An app-like experience

Modern online applications are user-friendly since they resemble native mobile applications in terms of functionality and appearance. You won’t be able to tell the difference thanks to interactions and navigation that resemble apps.

Regardless of the technology, tools, and frameworks on which they are based, PWAs give a user experience superior to that of websites and on par with that of native mobile applications. They are equally quick, responsive, and powerful.

5. Lightweight

PWAs are compact and lightweight in comparison to their native versions. PWAs are simple for users to add to their home screens, and since the app is so lightweight, there is almost no waiting time before the user can begin using it.

6. Highly responsive design

All devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops, can use Progressive Web Apps. A PWA, for instance, might function on both a Google Pixel phone and a PC running Windows, whereas an Android device would not be able to run native software made for an iPhone.

PWA Responsive

7. Easily Shareable

PWAs are accessible web pages with a live URL, making them easily shareable. You may easily reach a wider audience because the content is easily accessible across devices.

8. Search engine friendly

The website’s ranking in Google’s search engine is significantly influenced by how quickly it can be loaded. Despite functioning similarly to a native application, PWA is still indexed by Google and other search engines. It’s a definite benefit for SEO.

9. Reasonable development costs

Building native apps are more expensive since it takes longer and requires the creation of separate apps for iOS and Android. Online merchants only have to create a Progressive Web App once because it functions well with almost all browsers and operating systems. Utilizing a single codebase makes things simpler and reduces development costs. The maintenance costs of a PWA are also lower than those of a native app.

10. Cross-platform

As their name suggests, Progressive Web Apps are made to run seamlessly on the web platform. As a result, users of Android and iOS may easily make use of PWA’s many features. Meanwhile, native apps can only run on one platform, which is decided by the operating system on which they were created.

Factors That Determine The Cost of PWA Development

PWA Development Cost

Progressive Web App costs are influenced by many factors. The complexity of each project’s website varies widely. Additionally, there are differences in the Progressive Web App development company’s strategy, the technology employed, and the required expertise. 

Regardless of all these factors, the cost of a Progressive Web App will increase with the length of time it takes to develop it. Once you’ve identified the crucial elements influencing the total amount spent on the Progressive Web App, you can calculate the project cost. Therefore, the price of PWA development varies depending on the business needs. Below, we’ll analyze every factor that affects how much PWA costs.

1. Project Complexity

The complexity of the project and the number of developers affect the cost of developing Progressive Web Apps.

  • Interface design

Everyone aspires to offer a distinctive online interface with the capacity to draw in more users. However, this is a very complex task that could drive up the expense of your project.

  • Features and Functionality

The Progressive Web App development cost is attributed to its functionality. The obligation to employ a third-party API code from scratch increases developer hiring fees and overall PWA development costs.

Therefore, store owners will have to pay more if they demand more technical features. Your premium subscription will include the majority of these features. Therefore, unless they provide exactly what you need at a price that matches your budget, it’s wise to refrain from comparing pricing with other businesses.

2. Ready-to-use vs. Custom-built

Compared to custom ones, ready-to-use PWA development solutions are less expensive. Additionally, online merchants can speed up the process thanks to pre-made ones. The price of development decreases as a result.

With ready-made solutions, businesses can reduce the Progressive Web App development cost. However, business owners might not always find the right templates. There are also not many readily available templates. On the other hand, the needs of the store owners can be specifically met by the custom solutions.

3. The Project’s Delivery Date

A tight deadline for the project will also require more resources. Consequently, it will easily raise the price of PWA development. However, the cost can be reduced by giving developers enough time to complete the project. Besides, you can receive a complete PWA solution with higher performance and lower prices.

A business project might take anywhere from weeks to years to finish. A small project simply needs a few hours, while an enterprise project often takes 200 hours. Eight to 10 days are sufficient to complete a medium-sized project. It takes two to three weeks to complete minor jobs.

4. Developer background 

The Progressive Web App costs can also be considerably influenced by the development team’s location. The project manager, business analyst, QA engineer, mobile app developer, and UI/UX designer often make up a development team. Their experience level and geographic location may affect their pay rates. For instance, senior front-end developers in Asian nations like Vietnam have lower average hourly wage ranges than those from North America or Europe.

Tips To Cut Down on PWA Development Cost

Cut PWA Development Cost

Even though some features look complex, you can reduce costs by selecting less complex properties. Additionally, your progressive website will cost more if you need third-party APIs to connect to your app. Hence, remember to take into account all the factors that might influence the Progressive Web App development cost to determine whether your project is worthwhile for your company.

Below, we will give you some helpful tips to save on PWA development costs.

1. Set your clear requirements from scratch

You can make a list of the technological features you want to include in your app while you research the relevant web stores. To avoid increasing the overall cost of PWA development, you must adhere to these guidelines throughout the development phase.

Besides, it’s critical to submit your project’s specifications as early as possible if you want a realistic deadline. In this way, the group will have sufficient time to develop a workable solution that satisfies all of your requirements.

2. Compare many providers

You can connect with many solution providers to learn how much it will cost to construct PWAs. Once you contact the solution providers, they will offer you demos. After reviewing the demos, decide which one best fits your needs and budget and make your choice following that information. Moreover, you should choose the business that provides free post-development assistance first to avoid paying extra for problem fixes.

Final words

We hope you understood fully everything about PWA development, including its characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, benefits, examples, tools, services, and cost. If you’re on a tight budget and want to reach a larger audience, PWA development will be the perfect option for your company. Additionally, it provides dependability, quick downloads, installs, and network independence. Moreover, businesses can improve user experiences and increase conversion rates. This is why PWA is considered the potential future solution.

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